A Letter from the Chair

This year marks Carnarvon’s fifth Sustainability Report, and my first as Chair of the Risk, Governance and Sustainability (“RGS”) Committee.

The focus on sustainability from both a regulatory and stakeholder perspective has undoubtedly intensified over the past five years, with more changes coming in the form of mandatory disclosure of climate related financial risks, and the fifth edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.


Will Barker Chair – Risk, Governance, and Sustainability Committee

2024 ESG highlights

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Our projects

Carnarvon Interests as at 30 June 2022 in Australia and Timor-Leste.

Click on projects on map to read more

Dorado Development
Pavo Oil Discovery
Exploration – Greater Bedout Area

10% Carnarvon
10% OPIC Australia
80% Santos

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Pepper Project

(EP509 & TP29)
Carnarvon 100% and operator

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projects map
Onslow Karratha Port Hedland Broome Derby Truscott Wyndham Kununurra Katherine Darwin Timor-Leste

About This Report

This Sustainability Report outlines the ESG approach and efforts of Carnarvon for the year ending 30 June 2024.

Carnarvon conducts annual sustainability reporting in alignment with its annual financial reporting cycle that runs from 1 July to 30 June (“FY24”). This Sustainability Report has been reviewed and approved by Carnarvon’s Board.